Services: |
Distinguished Member: CCF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Senior Member: ACM, IEEE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Founding Committee Member: ACM SIGCOMM China Chapter | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Standing Committee Member: CCF TCI (互联网专委) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Executive Committee Member: CCF TCCOMM (网络与数据通信专委), CCF TCDCS (分布式计算与系统专委) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Leading Associate Editor of Tsinghua Science and Technology (SCI impact factor: 6.6) in Network and System areas | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Leading Guest Editor of Tsinghua Science and Technology for the Special Issue on TURC Cutting-Edge Intelligence | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PC Member or Organizing Chair of
Projects: |
of the China NSF General Project,
2025-2028 Co-PI of the National Key R&D Program of China, 服务器无感知计算系统软件技术, 2022-2025 PI of the InfiniGence R&D Project, 面向异构计算环境的高效通信框架设计, 2024-2025 PI of the Xiaomi R&D Project, 基于蜂窝网络高速移动场景下高可靠链路保障的端网混合AI关键技术研究, 2024-2025 PI of the Ant Group Alipay R&D Project, 云端一体的安全Web渲染系统研究, 2023-2024 PI of the Ant Group Alipay R&D Project, 云端一体的新型渲染系统研究, 2022-2024 PI of the Huawei Device R&D Project, 鸿蒙模拟器内核技术合作研究, 2022-2023 PI of the Microsoft Collaborative Project, Fidelity-Preserving Environment-Controllable Network Testbed, 2022-2023 PI of the UUSense.com Collaborative Project, 自动化测试、终端控制、数据采集等领域技术咨询, 2022-2023 PI of the ByteDance R&D Project, 虚拟化移动模拟器的移动应用测试, 2021-2022 PI of the Huawei Device R&D Project, 安卓模拟器性能提升技术合作研究, 2020-2021 PI of the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, 云计算内容分发的基础结构与关键技术, 2019-2021 PI of the BNRist Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, 移动模拟器的创新设计、规模部署和现实应用, 2019-2020 Co-PI of the National Key R&D Program of China, 基于立体精准画像的学术分类与推荐系统, 2018-2021 Co-PI of the China NSF Key Project, 密码系统的信息泄漏分析方法与防护机制研究, 2017-2021 PI of the China NSF General Project, 无场景预设的云存储关键技术研究, 2015-2018 PI of the CCF-Tencent RhinoBird Science Fund, 集约型网盘云存储服务的关键技术研究, 2016-2017. Excellence Award PI of the CCF-Tencent RhinoBird Innovation Fund, 互联网离线下载的瓶颈诊断与克服, 2015-2016 PI of the China PostDoc Science Fund, 面向普适云存储服务的高效能数据同步协议研究, 2014-2015 Chief Architect of the China 863 Project, 云计算应用服务开发环境关键技术及平台, 2015-2017 |
Target Conferences: |
Networking - SIGCOMM, NSDI, MobiCom, MobiSys, SIGMetrics, IMC, CoNEXT, WWW, INFOCOM, UbiComp System - OSDI, SOSP, FAST, EuroSys, ASPLOS, ATC Security BIG4 - S&P, USENIX Security, NDSS, CCS |
Useful Links: |
UNIX time stamp
Linux tutorial by Vbird《鸟哥的Linux私房菜》 C++ STL - Tutorial / Simple / Detailed WireShark - User's Guide (中文版), DisplayFilters, PCap library SSL hack - Squid-cache SSLbump, Charles SSLproxying |